Organic Waste Converter Machine

Organic Waste Converter Machine

from Excel Industries ltd Mumbai

Residential Societies


Educational Institute

Office Canteens


Clubs & Resorts

Easy Handling

Orco’s functional design makes your daily waste treatment absolutely hassle-free

Quick Processing

Your segregated waste is treated and converted to raw compost in less than 5 min

Odour Reduction

Orco drastically reduces the odour of your wet waste

Cost Effective

Orco is an affordable and cost effective solution to manage your waste responsibly

Minimal Labour

Owing to minimal handling tasks, Orco is not labour intensive unlike its other counterparts

Low Maintenance

Orco’s robust design calls for minimal maintenance, as long as you keep your Orco clean!

Advanced Design

Orco’s functional & visceral design presents you with a refreshed waste treatment experience!


Excel Orcomin is available in 25 kg, 50 kg and 75 kg daily waste treatment capacities


Organic waste converter

Excel Orco - Compost the Smart Way!