

The Environment & Biotech division of EXCEL Industries Ltd. has developed a unique Sanitisation product comprising of mineral and herbal mixture. The product is known as SanitreatTM. This is one of the key components of our unique Solid Waste Management system widely known as "The Excel Process".


SanitreatTM is a free flowing light brown powder used as an odour control agent in the sanitisation of the organic waste in the household refuse at collection, transfer and disposal points. The material should be sprayed dry over the waste through a powder sprayer. Sanitreatis a non-hazardous, non-toxic powder fortified with mineral and herbal mixtures. No special handling precautions are required but the wearing of gloves by operators is recommended. Sanitreat TM is used to control the putrefaction process that affects organic waste materials which is associated with the creation of toxic leachates and gases. The process results in the rapid control of the odour.


Application rates of SanitreatTM vary depending on the organic content of the waste, climatic conditions and age of the waste. About 1.5 to 2.0 Kg of SanitreatTM is sufficient to cover the surface of 1 MT of the waste. The does is indicative of likely application rates, but trials are recommended.


SanitreatTM is available in 5 Kg LDPE bag and 25 Kg. HDPE bag. SanitreatTM is to be stored in cool and dry place. The shelf life of the product is 18 months from the date of Manufacture.